mind all confused. if there is a mind, its all confused. if there is confusion, it is in my mind all scattered.
if there is a scattered, confused, scattered, it is mind, mine.
these days..they endlessly pass through doorways, subways, metro buses, auto rickshaws, college corridors, like an unreal movie-ghost in a real-life play feeling totally spaced out. my mind.
this you that i search in the spectres in my real life in the phantom of a corridor in a mind all emptied out...
laundry done, dishes washed, floor mopped, cartoon channel disconnected, home work yet to be done, little table arranged at the window, little feet should stop dancing for a minute, then i can give you a kiss....
with one weird, wired, wicked, mama-mind all gone today on a holiday, far away, where no one can see where ...
the connections come loose in a switch board, in the city where there is a search patrol on for stories that you will never write, the manic brain in twisted mode, gasping for your name in the skies...
oh god please can't you make it this time, everything depends on the verdict that you deliver, am i lost or am i losing it...this humble, humiliating, honor-less waiting and this
all mixed up